How Big is Game of Thrones? IMAX Big!

Gabbing Geek will use any excuse to highlight the great Peter Dinkalge!


We knew Game of Thrones had become a big international phenomenon, but we didn’t know how big.  About 50% bigger because it is coming to IMAX!  As theaters start looking for new revenue streams, IMAX is looking to make Game of Thrones an event destination to further justify the extra $5 ticket prices.

Will people shell out an average of $15 to see two episodes of a last season’s run that is available on HBO Go?  Exhibitors are hoping that the appeal of seeing it on a whopping IMAX screen with other diehard fans (this is a diehard play; no crossover appeal) as opposed to their iPhone or TV screen will make the answer a resounding yes.

Any interest in watching TV episodes on the big screen?  Any other shows or events you would like to see on an IMAX screen?

Source:  Variety

3 thoughts on “How Big is Game of Thrones? IMAX Big!”

  1. No way I’m watching GOT in the theater. Half the fun is screaming at the television when one of your favorite character dies. Never mind the fact that I’d rather stay in my cozy little sweats, under a snuggy blanket, while shoving my face with wine and cheese. I guess I could do that same thing at the theater, but it’s just so nice staying at home in the recliner.


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