Disney Star Wars Expansion



Epsiode 7, the first Disney produced Star Wars movie since the $4B buyout of Lucasfilm, is set to drop in December.  That is really only the beginning of Disney’s master plan to squeeze every nickle out of leverage the brilliance of the Star Wars universe.  As expected, hoped for, and dreamed of, Disney plans to make their theme parks home to even more Star Wars attractions.

Continue reading Disney Star Wars Expansion

Lucas Almost Made Episode 7 BEFORE Selling to Disney!


To think that George Lucas almost made Episode 7 himself as a sweetener for potential customers looking to buy one of the most lucrative fictional properties of all-time!  I think it was advisable to let Disney make it themselves as they can truly have a fresh slate to get away from the….shall we say….less acclaimed Prequels.

Lucas already started to develop the next three Star Wars films, but he knew a third trilogy was a 10-year commitment at least. He at first expected to finish Episode VII, release it in May 2015 and then sell the company afterward.

But Disney expressed interest and came along at the right moment, Lucas says. “It’s better for me to get out at the beginning of a new thing and I can just remove myself.

“The time is more important to me than the money.”

Now he can focus on writing what he calls small “experimental” films and be first in line in December for Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

What’s funny, despite my overwhelming happiness that he is not involved in Star Wars anymore, is that Lucas has become so hated by geekdom that I am beginning to feel sorry for him.  He did create from whole clothe THE most impactful pop culture creations of my life.  History should remember this guy as the genius who gave us the Force and lightsabers, not the guy who gave us Naboo:  A Love Story.

Source:   USA TODAY

J.J. Abrams Reacts To The Popularity of Force Awakens Trailer


In a recent interview with MTV, J.J. Abrams takes a moment to discuss his reaction to the popularity of his Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer.  Continue reading J.J. Abrams Reacts To The Popularity of Force Awakens Trailer