Black Angel (1980) Finally Available To Watch Online!

blackangelThe story of Black Angel is an epic tale of an ancient treasure thought lost forever only to be found again and brought to the public.  It’s like the Indiana Jones of fantasy short films but without all the heart ripping out.

The movie, a 25 minute fantasy short, was attached to theatrical screenings of Empire Strikes Back back in 1980 but only in Australia, the UK, and Scandinavia.  After that brief theatrical run it disappeared forever.  The director lost his copy.  All hope seemed lost.  But you’ll find out the rest of the story and you can watch the whole film after the break!

As Escapist Magazine wrote back in September, 2013, the movie itself was thought lost forever until a Universal archivist came across a set of negatives.  The archivist reached out to the director who restored the short film and showed it at some festivals.  Now he’s decided to put in on YouTube for the whole world to enjoy.  You can find the whole movie below and be sure to watch all of Empire Strikes Back immediately after for the full effect.  And because Empire.


Published by

Ryan Garcia

Father of two boys, husband, attorney for Dell (Social Media, Retail, Gaming), Broadway geek, comic book geek, science fiction geek, gadget geek.

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