Non-Geek TV From The Geek Perspective: Bridezillas

Gabbing Geek What We're Watching

There’s a lot of TV out there, and some of it claims to be “reality,” something I am not normally a fan of but I will admit that there are one or two I do enjoy in small doses.

This week’s show is the old We TV reality standby Bridezillas.

Continue reading Non-Geek TV From The Geek Perspective: Bridezillas

Non-Geek TV From The Geek Perspective: Dance Moms

Gabbing Geek What We're Watching

Dance Moms.  I hate this show so very, very much.

Continue reading Non-Geek TV From The Geek Perspective: Dance Moms

Unreality Television

If you recognize many of the people in this illustration, we may have very different tastes.
If you recognize many of the people in this illustration, we may have very different tastes.

My wife watches a lot of reality television.  “A lot” mostly means “more than I do” and since I don’t really watch any that counts, right?  Her preferences seem to gear more towards anything fashion-related or anything with the word “Jersey” in the title, along with the occasional MTV competition show.

I’m not really a fan. Continue reading Unreality Television