Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars XXXVII (Infinity Gauntlet Edition)


The Secret Wars version of Infinity Gauntlet has pretty much nothing to do with the original series from 1991.  It has Thanos and Infinity Stones and multiple Infinity Gauntlets, but that is where the similarities end.  Not that that is a bad thing, just a public service message that you don’t need to read the original to read this.  (Though you should, as it is a classic.)

The Secret Wars version of Infinity Gauntlet also has pretty much nothing to do with Secret Wars.  I know Ryan, in particular, really dug the disconnected, What If?-ness of most of the tie-ins, but as a sucker for chronology, they really bugged me.  Why couldn’t this series tie into the main book?  Thanos is one of the key characters there…this book takes place South of The Shield…where Thanos is banished to at one point, etc.

Ah well, I need to let it go.  That said, this is a great stand alone little mini-series.  I previously looked at issues #1 and #2, so after the cut I will finish my look at this series with Infinity Gauntlet #3, Infinity Gauntlet #4 and Infinity Gauntlet #5.

Be sure to check out our latest Secret Wars Power Rankings, which also features links to the other parts of my read through.

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars XXXVII (Infinity Gauntlet Edition)

Secret Wars Rankings: Disappointing Endings Edition

I know some (very few) people think this was fitting…but I thought it was garbage. At least they redeemed themselves somewhat with their Curb Your Enthusiasm “reunion”.

I get it.  Writing an ending is hard.  There are likely unreachable expectations to live up to.  All the while trying to tie up all the loose ends and plot points your series has introduced over its lifespan.  Some accomplish it better than others and some fail miserably.  In the last few weeks we’ve seen very weak final issues from Planet Hulk, Secret Wars Journal and Armor Wars.  And don’t even get me started on the last issue of Captain Britain.

After the break we’ll look at some of those books among the biggest winners and losers of this weeks Secret Wars Power Rankings.  Tom also drops by with his thoughts on the most overrated and underrated books of the rankings.

Continue reading Secret Wars Rankings: Disappointing Endings Edition

Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Twenty


Much like my trip through DC’s Convergence, I’ve fallen woefully behind schedule.  At the very least I am caught up on reading everything.  Writing about them is another story.  I’ve also been pretty busy with our latest pet project: The Secret Wars Power Rankings.

After the break I’ll take a look at Infinity Gauntlet #2, Weirdworld #1, Weirdworld #2, Red Skull #1, Ultimate End #3 and very briefly touch on Giant Size Little Marvel AVX #1, Giant Size Little Marvel AVX #2 and Giant Size Little Marvel AVX #3.

Some other important links:
Tom’s Road To Secret Wars: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7.
The other parts of this series: 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1415, 1617, 18, 19

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Twenty