Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Sixteen (X-Men ’92 Edition)


Much like they did with superhero movies in 2000, X-Men: The Animated Series showed that you could tell relevant and interesting stories without it being a camp fest.  (Ok, in fairness, Batman: The Animated Series began airing a month before X-Men to much critical acclaim, but that doesn’t help my intro.)

The series featured an X-Team similar in roster and look to the work Jim Lee and Chris Claremont were doing in the X-books at the time.  Namely Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey and Professor X.  It featured mostly original stories, but did adapt some popular comic storylines such as “Days of Future Past” and “The Dark Phoenix Saga”.  X-Men and the also excellent Spider-Man animated series even crossed over for their own version of the original Secret Wars.

Um…yeah…so this is the Beyonder in that story.

I previously looked at X-Men ’92 #1 in Part Seven of this series, and after the break I’ll continue with X-Men ’92 #2, X-Men ’92 #3, X-Men ’92 #4 and X-Men ’92 #5.  These are all the Infinite Comics versions of these books as the print editions are much slower to come out.

Also, if you are like me and haven’t read all of Johnathon Hickman’s Avengers run leading up to Secret Wars, be sure to take Tom’s Road To Secret Wars course at gabbinggeekuniversity.com.  The reading materials are online here: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7.

And that course is a prerequisite to the other parts of this series: 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1415

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Sixteen (X-Men ’92 Edition)

Slightly Misplaced Comics Heroes Case File #3: Sleepwalker

And he's the good guy...
And he’s the good guy…

90s era Marvel comics have a reputation.  The guys who founded Image Comics were cutting their teeth there, and the characters they worked on seemed to take on many of the sorts of things fans today bemoan but which must have been selling back then, hence the reason for so many of them.  They were massive guys with guns, pouches, and bad-ass names and powers.  Bishop.  Cable.  Ghost Rider.  X-Force. Venom.  I think the Punisher had three separate titles going at one point.  Todd McFarlane’s Spider-Man series showed the Hobgoblin going nuts, thinking he was a real goblin, finding religion, and ripping his own face off.

Then there was Sleepwalker.

Continue reading Slightly Misplaced Comics Heroes Case File #3: Sleepwalker