Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars 48

It’s like looking into a mirror of insanity as I feel the same way Magneto while trying to finish this up.

No theme to this post, just trying to clue up some odds and ends.  After the cut I will take a look at series final issues: Red Skull #3, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4-5, Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #3-4 and Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #4 

Be sure to check out our latest Secret Wars Power Rankings, which also features links to the other parts of my read through.

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars 48

Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars 43

The end is near for Secret Wars (well, there is still a month to go), but not for my write ups.  Sigh.  So much to do.  Anyway, last week finally saw the release of Secret Wars #7 Part Two aka Secret Wars #8.  I believe that only leaves the following for this long, long event:

Ultimate End #5 – December 16th
Secret Wars #9 – January 13th, 2016

After the break I’ll take a look at that penultimate Secret Wars issue as well as play some catch-up with the following books: Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #3, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #3, Red Skull #2, Silver Surfer #15 and X-Men ’92 (Infinite) #6

Be sure to check out our latest Secret Wars Power Rankings, which also features links to the other parts of my read through.

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars 43

Save Your $5 And Avoid The Guide To The Marvel Multiverse


With many of their company wide events, Marvel likes to publish a “Guide” book to help those that may be lost about what circumstances lead to the current crossover and who the main players are.

Even being the completist that I am, I almost never read these.  The problem for me is the format.  They are just page after page of very small text with the occasional recycled image added where appropriate.

But since I’m attempting to read all of Secret Wars, will I manage to read this as well?  Answer: no.  So the question becomes, should you?  Find out after the cut.  (Spoilers: no, no you shouldn’t.)

Continue reading Save Your $5 And Avoid The Guide To The Marvel Multiverse

Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Sixteen (X-Men ’92 Edition)


Much like they did with superhero movies in 2000, X-Men: The Animated Series showed that you could tell relevant and interesting stories without it being a camp fest.  (Ok, in fairness, Batman: The Animated Series began airing a month before X-Men to much critical acclaim, but that doesn’t help my intro.)

The series featured an X-Team similar in roster and look to the work Jim Lee and Chris Claremont were doing in the X-books at the time.  Namely Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey and Professor X.  It featured mostly original stories, but did adapt some popular comic storylines such as “Days of Future Past” and “The Dark Phoenix Saga”.  X-Men and the also excellent Spider-Man animated series even crossed over for their own version of the original Secret Wars.

Um…yeah…so this is the Beyonder in that story.

I previously looked at X-Men ’92 #1 in Part Seven of this series, and after the break I’ll continue with X-Men ’92 #2, X-Men ’92 #3, X-Men ’92 #4 and X-Men ’92 #5.  These are all the Infinite Comics versions of these books as the print editions are much slower to come out.

Also, if you are like me and haven’t read all of Johnathon Hickman’s Avengers run leading up to Secret Wars, be sure to take Tom’s Road To Secret Wars course at gabbinggeekuniversity.com.  The reading materials are online here: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7.

And that course is a prerequisite to the other parts of this series: 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1415

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Sixteen (X-Men ’92 Edition)

Molecule Man, Molecule Man, Doing The Things A Molecule Can…

Ranting lunatics in the street always get this much attention in New York City.
Ranting lunatics in the street always get this much attention in New York City.

I usually devote a bit of time Tuesday to discuss a superhero who died and usually got better.  Then I got a request from Jimmy Impossible.  He’s been reading along and writing up stuff for the current Secret Wars and while chatting with fellow Gabbing Geek Ryan, it came out that Ryan had no idea who the Molecule Man was.

So, this one’s for you and Ryan, Jimmy.

Continue reading Molecule Man, Molecule Man, Doing The Things A Molecule Can…

Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Six

Editor’s Note: Jimmy, not that Secret Wars 3!!!

Secret Wars continues to build momentum and the tie-ins that I’ve read have mostly been interesting so far.  Most of them feature titles you will likely be familiar with from Marvel crossover events of the past.  It’s interesting to see how Marvel is handling these tie-ins as some seem to be direct sequels (eg. X-Tinction Agenda, Civil War (I’m assuming)) while others just seem to build off the name and aspects of those original events but are really not related (eg. Planet Hulk, Armor Wars).

After the break we’ll look at the latest and best issue of the main mini-series so far, issue three.  Two tie-in series that seem to be in the “related in name only” department in Armor Wars #1 and Infinity Gauntlet #1.  And then take a trip to a slightly skewed version of the future than we’ve seen previously in Secret Wars 2099 #1.  As usual, spoilers will be prevalent.

Also, if you are like me and haven’t read all of Johnathon Hickman’s Avengers run leading up to Secret Wars, be sure to take Tom’s Road To Secret Wars course at gabbinggeekuniversity.com.  The reading materials are online here: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six and Part Seven.

And that course is a prerequisite to the other parts of this series: Part One, Part Two, Part Three,Part Four, Part Five

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars Part Six

Ant-Man, Reed Richards And Brainiac Walk Into A Bar…Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One…


This weeks collection of new comics is a little light (on Jimmy interested things anyway) but I managed to pull together some (mostly spoiler free) thoughts on three of them.  One that I haven’t read yet but am looking forward to is Superman – Earth One, Vol. 3.  The Earth One line from DC are very oversized graphic novels that take a kind of Marvel Ultimate Universe spin on DCs top dogs.  I haven’t read the Teen Titans volume (sorry Watson), but I would recommend picking up the first two Superman volumes and Batman Vol. 1.

Continue reading Ant-Man, Reed Richards And Brainiac Walk Into A Bar…Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One…

The Beyonders Back And There’s Gonna Be Trouble (Hey-la, Hey-la, Beyonders Back)



Sharing my (mostly spoiler free) thoughts on a couple of this weeks new comic releases because if I don’t make my quota for posts for the week I’m contractually obligated to wash Watson’s car over the weekend.

Continue reading The Beyonders Back And There’s Gonna Be Trouble (Hey-la, Hey-la, Beyonders Back)

And The Award For The Longest and Most Unnecessary Secret Wars Post On Gabbing Geek Goes To…


To a 10 year old Jimmy Impossible, Secret Wars was right in his wheel house.  For one full year the best heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe would be together every month bashing skulls, having mountains dropped on them and bowing before Doom.  Though the tie-ins were subtle, this was really the first huge company wide event at either of the Big Two.  (sequart.org has a nice article comparing Secret Wars, Secret Wars II and Crisis on Infinite Earths and which is responsible for the rise of the endless Events that I keep getting suckered into, which seems like every few months.)

One of the biggest parts of Secret Wars, and in fact the reason for it’s existence, was a promotion for a toy line from Mattel.

Continue reading And The Award For The Longest and Most Unnecessary Secret Wars Post On Gabbing Geek Goes To…