Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 10 (Spider-Man v Superman Edition)

SpiderMan Chronicles

In an era where Marvel and DC are spending most of their time and resources duking it out for supremacy at the box office, it may be hard to believe that it wasn’t that long ago the Big Two had quite a run of crossovers between their respective super hero universes.

The 90’s gave rise to crossovers such as Batman/Daredevil, Batman/Punisher, Batman/Captain America, Batman/Spider-Man…hmm…I guess they should more accurately be called Marvel and Batman crossovers.

Prior to that 90’s boom however, the crossing over of characters between the two companies was few and far between.  After the break we’ll look at two of those starring the two companies biggest hitters (apologies to Batman): Superman and Spider-Man.

As usual, spoilers follow from here on out if you’ve missed out on the last 50 years of Spider-Man and are just getting started.

Continue reading Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 10 (Spider-Man v Superman Edition)

Geek Review: Fantastic Four (2015)

Fantastic Four opens
A four is not a vowel.

So, I finally saw the new Fantastic Four.

Look, no one logging in here today is looking for a Fantastic Four movie review.  You want Star Wars.  But I’m prepping for an unexpected but totally expected journey.  I couldn’t go today.  Instead, I went for this…whatever it was…on pay per view.

Thoughts and some SPOILERS after the cut.

Continue reading Geek Review: Fantastic Four (2015)

Slightly Misplaced Comic Book Heroes Case Files #36: Layla Miller

392830-14448-layla-millerThe Marvel Crossover House of M posited a world where the Scarlett Witch, temporarily insane, would first change the planet to one where mutants were in charge, and then after some stress changing everything back to a world where hardly any mutants still had their powers.  Wolverine alone knew the changed world was wrong, because Marvel and writer Brian Michael Bendis seem incapable of doing a massive crossover storyline that doesn’t give Wolverine a major role, and he found a way to make the other heroes he needed remember with the help of a young girl named Layla Miller.  Layla had the power to make people see the Scarlett Witch’s changes weren’t right.

So, what was Layla’s deal anyway?

Continue reading Slightly Misplaced Comic Book Heroes Case Files #36: Layla Miller

Tom Recommends: The Venture Brothers

Gabbing Geek Tom Recommends v2Cartoon Network a number of years back spun-off a line of late night shows, many only about ten minutes per episode, under the “Adult Swim” umbrella.  A number of their short original programming often looks crudely animated (on purpose), and may require some substances illegal in most states to really enjoy.  One such show that is neither ten minutes long nor requires such stimulation is The Venture Brothers.

The Venture Brothers is often hilarious, and much of it comes across as a distorted Geek pop culture argument on acid.

Continue reading Tom Recommends: The Venture Brothers

Another Podcast Reaction: Secret Wars Edition


This week on the podcast, the Gabbingest of Geeks stopped to discuss the fact that they took the podcast’s birthday off.

Lazy goofs.

They also discussed time travel.  But I covered my time travel thoughts a long time ago, so I am not doing that again any time soon.  Besides, it looks like Jimmy is covering the time travel stuff just judging from his title, so I’ll leave it be.

Instead, let me say a few things about the current Secret Wars.

Continue reading Another Podcast Reaction: Secret Wars Edition

Fox Costumes Vs Fan Cosplay


When it comes to villain costumes, Fox is sooooooo 20th century.  Look at some coplay comparisons to the Fox designs that go into their $100M+ budgeted feature films.  Who wore it better?

Continue reading Fox Costumes Vs Fan Cosplay

Four Fantastic Reasons YOU SHOULD SEE The Fantastic Four


If you happened to listen to our podcast the other day, you would have known that I was looking forward to seeing the new Fantastic Four movie. My heart was broken on air when I found out that the Rotten Tomatoes average review score was at a measly 18%, only to spiral downward Thursday morning to a whopping 8% – dear god! That’s only 2% better than Paul Blart 2. I was ready for this movie to be DOOMED.

But you know what? The critics are suffering from MCU syndrome. They have all been spoiled for too long. And sometimes they get it wrong, just see these previous examples.  Fantastic Four is a fun movie! That’s right – I like it! Don’t roll your eyes just yet, before you call bull-shit, see my four fantastics reasons for why YOU TOO should see the new Fantastic Four movie:

Continue reading Four Fantastic Reasons YOU SHOULD SEE The Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four Throwbacks: Then & Now (Infographic)


The newest movie, Fantastic Four hit theaters last night, so we thought it would be a perfect time to pull together all of the group’s looks in one infographic! This image shows 15 of the superheroes’ notable outfits, and is narrated by the Invisible Woman herself, Sue Storm. See how over 50 years of comic domination has changed over the years:

Continue reading Fantastic Four Throwbacks: Then & Now (Infographic)

Trank Delivers: Fantastic Four Is Better Than You’ve Heard. In Fact, It Is Pretty Darn Good (Spoiler Free)

Forget about losing the Star Wars standalone film.  Josh Trank’s next assignment will be directing Joey Tribbiani’s next Gonorrhea commercial based on  the 10% Rotten Tomatoes score that Fantastic Four is currently sporting.  But I gotta tell you.  It ain’t fair.  Fantastic Four is a smart movie that delivers something bold and fresh.  Find out why the critics missed the mark after the jump.
Continue reading Trank Delivers: Fantastic Four Is Better Than You’ve Heard. In Fact, It Is Pretty Darn Good (Spoiler Free)

Going Through The DCAU Part Eight


Continuing Jimmy and Tom’s rewatch of the DCAU.

This week, we cover the Batman the Animated Series episodes “The Clock King,” “Appointment in Crime Alley,” and “Mad as a Hatter”.

Continue reading Going Through The DCAU Part Eight