Muppets Episode 9


If there is one thing about The Muppets I’ve been disappointed with, it’s been the treatment of the Great Gonzo.

This episode gave Gonzo a bit of a spotlight, and it still didn’t seem right to me.

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Muppets Episode 8


I’ve spent a good deal of time in this space discussing how much Kermit seems off on this new show.

But really, after tonight, I think I’m starting to think that about Scooter to a much deeper degree.

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Muppets Episode 7


One of my biggest complaints for the new Muppets series has been the treatment of Kermit the Frog.  Kermit is, above all, usually depicted as a very nice guy.  At worst, the others treat him like a doormat.  He may get frustrated, but he never gets mean.

The new show has, on occasion, tossed that idea out the window.  We’ve seen Kermit, perhaps out of jealousy, break up Piggy and Josh Grobin, and rob the rest of the crew of good times after they had too much fun at karaoke.  We’ve seen him lie to Fozzie about the bear’s quality as a writer, though in that case it was to prevent from hurting the sensitive bear’s feelings and he did confess the truth later.

So, this episode may have been a step in a better direction.  Episode SPOILERS after the cut.

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Muppets Episode 4


Gabbing Geek contributor Greg has been rather baffled about how anyone (let alone Jimmy, Jenny, or myself) could possibly be enjoying The Muppets.  It hasn’t been working for him.  He’s been wondering what he’s been missing, is there something wrong with him, or with the rest of us, and why hot dogs come in packs of ten but hot dog buns come in packs of eight.

I don’t have answers for any of those questions, but let me attempt to address his concerns while discussing last night’s episode after the cut.

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Muppets Episode 3

the-muppets-tv-show-title-card-600x332I complained a bit last week that Gonzo has, thus far, had very little to do so far.  He’s one of the classic Muppet characters, he’s performed by the only one of the original Muppeteers still working with the characters, and he’s in the freakin’ promos.  Thus far, he’s been little better than a side character making comments on the action.

He got a whole subplot this week.  SPOILERS for last night’s episode after the cut.

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Muppets Episode 2


The Muppets continues to chug along, showing the more mature side of our childhood friends.  Yeah, there’s always been that undercurrent, but now the undercurrent is the overcurrent.

How’d they do this week?  SPOILERS for the episode.

Continue reading Muppets Episode 2

A Review Of “The Muppets” For The Lovers, The Dreamers, And Me.


The Muppets premiered this week on ABC, with a promised “more adult” sensibility.  That was enough to gain a boycott from One Million Moms, but not from three of Gabbing Geeks finest, Jenny, Jimmy and Tom.  What did they think?  See after the cut.

Continue reading A Review Of “The Muppets” For The Lovers, The Dreamers, And Me.

The Fellowship of the Muppets


Sqqquuuuuueeeeeee!!!! This has to be one of the best all time mashups of all time! Lord of the Rings + Muppets in a epic onslaught of awesomeness! Check out the who’s who of this piece of art by Kenny Durkin: That’s Robin as Frogo, Bean as Samwise Bunny, Pepe as Peppin, Rowlf as Gandrowlf, Scooter as Legopher, Kermit as Arafrog, Fozzie as Bearamir, Gonzo as Gimzo, and Rizzo as Mizzo. So much cute I can’t handle it!

The Muppets Pilot Pitch Is Adorably Awesome


If you haven’t seen the Muppet’s pilot pitch, then you’re missing out. I didn’t think they could reel me back in, but they did! I mean – The Muppets are on a roll. After the resurgence of “The Muppets” in 2011, and then another successful hit with “The Muppets Most Wanted” in 2014, pigs, frogs, bears, and weirdos everywhere should rejoice, because the Muppets are back in full force.

We have the 10 min. pilot pitch after the break – and we are so excited to see this show in the fall. My favorite part of all of this – adult humor! Yes – it’s witty, it’s topical, and it’s Muppets. What more could you ask for?

Continue reading The Muppets Pilot Pitch Is Adorably Awesome

Stormtrooper Muppets Take Manhattan (Beach)



It’s time to play the music, It’s time to light the lights, It’s time to meet the Muppets as they dress up as Stormtroopers tonight…. or something like that. Come on, Muppet Show theme song! Regardless of the tune, we cannot get enough of these amazing Star Wars themed muppet cosplayers to come out of the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim. Want to see these Muppets in action? Take a peek after the break:

Continue reading Stormtrooper Muppets Take Manhattan (Beach)