Slightly Misplaced Comic Book Heroes Case File #56: Secret

Smoking kills.
Smoking kills.

Think about it:  Casper the Friendly Ghost is really creepy.  Not for the whole “wanting to be friends with people” thing, or even how the guys on Cheers observed that Casper must somehow lose all his friends between cartoons, or that one really warped episode where Casper befriends a fox pup that gets killed, only to have the fox’s ghost show up to immediately pick up where it left off with Casper (that’s some demented stuff right there).  No, the fact is Casper is a kid, always will be a kid, and he’s a ghost hanging around for some reason.  That’s some prime potential horror right there.

That sort of thing was realized a bit better with Secret.

Continue reading Slightly Misplaced Comic Book Heroes Case File #56: Secret

Tom Recommends: Young Justice (Animated Series)

Gabbing Geek Tom Recommends v2

Animator Greg Wiseman has had a long string of animated series that have pleased fans but have always seemed to be cut short due to other factors.  He was forced off Disney’s Gargoyles and saw his Spectacular Spider-Man cut short due to the Spider-rights going to Disney.

Then there was Young Justice, an animated series set in the DC universe about a team of superhero sidekicks going on covert missions for the Justice League.

Continue reading Tom Recommends: Young Justice (Animated Series)

Slightly Misplaced Comic Book Case File #23: Arrowette

These guys need to learn to read signs posted on trees.
These guys need to learn to read signs posted on trees.

The comic book version of Green Arrow is best known as being one of the few heroes with a distinctive political point of view.  Who does Superman vote for?  Who knows?  Green Arrow is an out-and-out bleeding heart liberal, and that’s probably one of his defining characteristics.

Except he wasn’t always that way.  The character existed for a good twenty years before his political perspective came up at all.  Prior to that, he was the standard white bread DC hero who did good because it was good and if he ever had a thought deeper than which arrow to use at any given moment, he sure didn’t share it.  In point of fact, the guy was a Batman rip-off, living as a millionaire playboy with his sidekick and ward in a big mansion with a cave and a car and a plane underneath his home.  It’s not much of a memorable era for the Emerald Archer.

This era also gave us Arrowette.

Continue reading Slightly Misplaced Comic Book Case File #23: Arrowette

Why The Flash Is So Good: The Secret Revealed

"I'd make a joke about how Uber isn't safer because it translates to Over but it wouldn't make any sense because this will all be over in 0.003 seconds and you can't hear me anyway."
“I’d make a joke about how Uber isn’t safer because it translates to Over but it wouldn’t make any sense because this will all be over in 0.003 seconds and you can’t hear me anyway.”

The Flash took TV by storm this year for comic and superhero fans.  Week after week the show brought us a colorful mix of villains, intrigue, and lots of superspeed hidden as slow motion.  And it was fantastic.  From the amazing pilot to the tear-jerking finale, The Flash gave us everything we could want from a comic book TV show.  But what made The Flash so good?  Why did it find its footing so quickly and why was it able to, sorry but I have to say it, hit the ground running?  Especially when so many other comic book TV shows take a while to get going (yeah, Agents of SHIELD, love ya now but you know I’m looking at you)?  I have the answer for you after the break.

Continue reading Why The Flash Is So Good: The Secret Revealed