Slightly Misplaced Comics Hero Case Files #16: Triathlon

He's the new pushy hero nobody was waiting for!
He’s the new pushy hero nobody was waiting for!

Kurt Busiek and George Perez had a fairly epic run on The Avengers starting in the late 90s.  They had the team take on Ultron and Kang.  They had a mix of old and new characters.  They made Carol Danvers interesting (yes, Jenny, I said it, and she’s been interesting ever since).  There was beautiful artwork, stories that showed great understanding for everyone on the team, and a silent issue where Washington D.C. got destroyed, but the Avengers managed to get George W. Bush out, and only George W. Bush out, before everything went boom.  I did not make that up.

They also put a new character named Triathlon on the team, and he was fairly lame.  I only recently learned why.

Continue reading Slightly Misplaced Comics Hero Case Files #16: Triathlon

A Spoiler Filled Walk On The Great Web Of Spider-Verse, Part Three

edge of spider-verse

Be sure to check out the other parts of this series: Part One (Intro/Reading Order) | Part Two (Weaving The Web)

In this installment, we will look at the prelude issues leading up to the Spider-Verse main event.

Continue reading A Spoiler Filled Walk On The Great Web Of Spider-Verse, Part Three

May The A-Force Be With You. (Or No Star Wars/Marvel Crossover For You!)

No Watson, the A is not a reference to their cup size.
No Watson, the A is not a reference to their cup size.

Well, it was a fun 12 hours or so of speculation, but one of the classified zones on Battleworld will not be the Star Wars universe.  The “Force” in Marvel’s announcement is not Midicholrian based, but in reference to A-Force…which I guess is some amalgamation of Avengers and X-Force.  By the looks of the cover, it is a team led by She-Hulk and comprised of, well, seems like every female hero in the Marvel Universe.  Girl Power!

Continue reading May The A-Force Be With You. (Or No Star Wars/Marvel Crossover For You!)