2016 Oscars: Tom’s Best Picture Round-Up


By and large, I don’t put much personal stock in the Academy Awards.  They strike me as an excuse for Hollywood to pat itself on the back for all the good work it says it does.  If I watch the show at all, it’ll be the last few minutes to find out who won Best Picture, and that’ll be it.  The humor is rather lame, the musical numbers dull, and the low-burning outrage over what did and didn’t win can linger for decades.

Case in point:  Forrest Gump beat out both Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption for Best Picture.  I don’t care how much you like Gump, there’s no way anyone can justify it is a better movie than both of those other two.

But then this year, I actually saw most of the Best Picture nominees.  Thoughts after the cut.  No predictions, though.  If you want predictions, try Watson’s article.

Continue reading 2016 Oscars: Tom’s Best Picture Round-Up

LEGO “Side by Side With A Friend”


Remember that time in Lord of The Rings where Legolas and Gimli are talking about dying, and they have that very heartfelt moment together – well – The Brotherhood Workshop made their own version of that scene out of LEGOS, and you don’t want to miss Gimli’s reaction to Legolas being…..well…..Legolas.

Continue reading LEGO “Side by Side With A Friend”

Time For Some Gratuitous Violence And Course Language

Sorry Jenny
Sorry Jenny

After the break, check out this awesome supercut celebrating some of the best action movie pre-mortem one liners.  As per the title, be aware of NSFW language and violence.

Continue reading Time For Some Gratuitous Violence And Course Language