Bento Review: Blackcross: From The Pages Of Project Superpowers


Project Superpowers was a series from Dynamite Comics that used Golden Age public domain heroes to tell modern stories.  These were heroes created by old comics publishers that went out of business and no one bought the rights to their characters.  Technically, anyone can use them.  Dynamite did.

Blackcross is a spin-off mini-series from the looks of things involving a super powered serial killer who is on his way to the mysterious town of Blackcross in the Pacific Northwest.  Some folks there have had weird things happening lately…

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Bento Review: Stumptown: The Case Of The Baby In The Velvet Case


I love Greg Rucka’s work.  Comic Bento sent me what was actually the second volume in his Stumptown series, explaining that the first volume wasn’t needed to enjoy the work.

That was largely true, and then I discovered a second treat when I did a little research into the series itself.

Continue reading Bento Review: Stumptown: The Case Of The Baby In The Velvet Case

Bento Review: Ninjak: Weaponeer


Comic Bento’s latest box came with the theme of “powerless,” or when people with little or no power take on the powerful.  I was surprised to find there were no Marvel trades this time around, but the selection I did get looks very promising.

So, let’s start with the first, namely Ninjak:  Weaponeer, the first volume in the latest series featuring the Valiant character of Ninjak.  I really dug Valiant’s Rai; would I feel the same about this one?

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Bento Review: Edge Of Spider-Verse


Comic Bento apparently wanted me to horn on the storied work of one James “Jimmy” Impossible, who wrote extensively on all things Spider-Verse.  I mean, he wrote seven long posts chronicling every inch of Spider-Verse.  That was before he went insane trying to do the same with Convergence and the entirety of Secret Wars.  See the efforts of his madness with parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Heck, Jimmy covered all the issues in this trade in the third part of his work there.  But I’m writing a review, while Jimmy was giving a plot summary/commentary.  That’s my excuse and I am sticking to it.

Continue reading Bento Review: Edge Of Spider-Verse

Bento Review: Alice Cooper Volume One: Welcome To My Nightmare


I’ll give the folks at Comic Bento this much:  they routinely send me stuff I would normally never read.  It hasn’t always been worth it, but it happens.

Which would explain why I’d ever be writing a review for Alice Cooper.

Continue reading Bento Review: Alice Cooper Volume One: Welcome To My Nightmare

Bento Review: Death Sentence


I mentioned in my last Bento review that I had never heard of Titan Comics, the publisher of Death Sentence.

Well, it turns out they’re a British publisher, and that leads me to this book, the story that asked what a person would do if they got a disease that not only granted awesome superpowers, but also six months to live.

Continue reading Bento Review: Death Sentence

Bento Review: Put The Book Back On The Shelf


Comic Bento’s theme for the month was “amped,” with everything being connected to music somehow.  Besides being pleased that didn’t mean a Dazzler trade from Marvel, I think I got the most eclectic collection yet.

First up was something from Image called Put the Book Back on the Shelf:  a Belle & Sebastian anthology.  Review after the cut.

Continue reading Bento Review: Put The Book Back On The Shelf

Comic Review: Rai Volume 2: Battle For New Japan


Comic Bento sent me the first volume to Valiant’s recent resurrection of their Rai character.  I rather liked it and reviewed it here a couple weeks ago.

So, liking it meant giving Volume Two a shot.  Review after the cut.

Continue reading Comic Review: Rai Volume 2: Battle For New Japan

Bento Review: Lola XOXO Volume One


I’ve never really read anything by Aspen Comics before.  Most of that was due to, well, the covers.  The late Michael Turner was heavily involved with the company, and he probably more or less designed the company’s house look.  His work tended to go towards willowy females in skimpy outfits.  The handful of times I read stuff where he did interiors didn’t do much for me.

But, quite frankly, I tend to avoid comics where the major draw seems to be a scantily clad female on the cover.  There never seems to be much going on there, so I passed.  But, Comics Bento doesn’t just ship stuff to my tastes, so I have now read the first volume of a series called Lola XOXO.

Continue reading Bento Review: Lola XOXO Volume One

Bento Review: Troublemaker


Janet Evanovich is a best-selling mystery writer known for her novels.

So, imagine my surprise to seeing her name on a graphic novel in my monthly Bento Box…

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