Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 9

SpiderMan Chronicles

And we’re back!  This update took longer than I suspected for many reasons.  Some of them personal, some of them ironing out a few continuity issues, but luckily none of them trying to figure out if it was winter and where Peter Parker was working!

It’s a big update consisting of over 90 issues as we make our way through most of 1981-1982.

As usual, spoilers follow from here on out if you’ve missed out on the last 50 years of Spider-Man and are just getting started.

Continue reading Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 9

Tom Recommends: Young Justice (Animated Series)

Gabbing Geek Tom Recommends v2

Animator Greg Wiseman has had a long string of animated series that have pleased fans but have always seemed to be cut short due to other factors.  He was forced off Disney’s Gargoyles and saw his Spectacular Spider-Man cut short due to the Spider-rights going to Disney.

Then there was Young Justice, an animated series set in the DC universe about a team of superhero sidekicks going on covert missions for the Justice League.

Continue reading Tom Recommends: Young Justice (Animated Series)

Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 8 (Couldn’t Stand The Weather Edition)

SpiderMan Chronicles

Everything was going along just fine until disco came along.  I’m probably not the first person to write that sentence.  For our purposes I refer to the fact that even with 3 monthly books and various guest appearances, the wall-crawlers adventures had been pretty straight forward to put in order.  But then came a couple of issues where Peter went to the disco (and then teamed up with the cast of Saturday Night Live) where everything just went all to hell.

Much, much more on this after the break as I try to put this update to rest, not because I’m happy with it…but to save my sanity.  I can’t imagine what this is going to be like when I get to the 90’s…

As usual, spoilers follow from here on out if you’ve missed out on the last 50 years of Spider-Man and are just getting started.

Continue reading Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 8 (Couldn’t Stand The Weather Edition)

Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 6

SpiderMan Chronicles

The juggling act between Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man and Marvel Team-Up continues.  It’s been mostly straight forward with a few little anomalies.  For this update I’ll look at issues that land between Spectacular Spider-Man #11 and Spectacular Spider-Man #20.

I also need to go back and insert Howard The Duck #1 into the chronology.  I only recently acquired and read it.  While it is mostly a glorified cameo, with Spidey likely only appearing to boost sales, it is a bit of fun.

There are some spoilers if you’ve missed out on the last 50 years of Spider-Man and are just getting started.

Continue reading Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 6

Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 5

SpiderMan Chronicles

The web of continuity is getting a bit tangled now with the introduction of Spider-Man’s third regular monthly book The Spectacular Spider-Man.  After the cut the chronology slowly continues as I wiggle out from under the share volume of Secret Wars.  Covered in this update are issues falling between Amazing Spider-Man 163 and Spectacular Spider-Man 10.

There are some spoilers if you’ve missed out on the last 50 years of Spider-Man and are just getting started.

Continue reading Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 5

Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 3

SpiderMan Chronicles

I’m still up to my eyes trying to cover all things Secret Wars, so unfortunately I haven’t gotten back on the wagon with updates to the Spider-Man Chronology.

The process I’ve used to create this list was to first compile every piece of information I could find online about Spider-Man appearances: regular series, mini-series, guest shots, etc.  Then use my own knowledge and as many existing chronologies on the web as possible to arrange this “master list” into a potential reading order.  And then the fun part…actually reading them all.  Shuffling things around, adding and removing things when necessary.

After the break is a quasi update involving some issues that were considered for, but ultimately excluded from the complete list.

Continue reading Spider-Man Complete Chronology Update 3