Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars 48

It’s like looking into a mirror of insanity as I feel the same way Magneto while trying to finish this up.

No theme to this post, just trying to clue up some odds and ends.  After the cut I will take a look at series final issues: Red Skull #3, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4-5, Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #3-4 and Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars #4 

Be sure to check out our latest Secret Wars Power Rankings, which also features links to the other parts of my read through.

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars 48

Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars XXXIV


I guess I missed an opportunity here by not getting this pushed out for Halloween as it features everyone’s current favorite undead, the Marvel Zombies.

After the cut, I’ll finish off two series with a spoilerly look at Marvel Zombies #2, Marvel Zombies #3, Marvel Zombies #4, Age of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #3 and Age of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies #4.

Be sure to check out our latest Secret Wars Power Rankings, which also features links to the other parts of my read through.

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars XXXIV

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It: An Impossible Ant-Man Review (Spoilers)

AntManPosters1-640x389I don’t have the guts or knowledge or care enough to put myself out there like Ryan and predict the top ten grossing films of 2015.  But one thing I’ve steadfast to in the Gabbing Geek Bullpen has been that I thought Ant-Man would end Marvel’s blockbuster roll.  And it turns out I was right.  (What a different time we live in when an opening of 58 million dollars is considered a disappointment.)  Besting only The Incredible Hulk‘s opening weekend (and finishing dead last if you adjust Incredible Hulk for inflation).

I just never thought Ant-Man on his own would be a draw.  He was not one of the Marvel big hitters, and he never stepped up to the plate and hit a home run with a trailer like other B-Listers Guardians of the Galaxy.

But does any of that mean it was any good?  If you are not tired of reading Ant-Man reviews from Ryan, Watson, Jenny and Tom, I share my thoughts after the break.  Be warned, there will be spoilers.

Continue reading All The Cool Kids Are Doing It: An Impossible Ant-Man Review (Spoilers)

Two More Geeks Weigh In: Ant-Man

Yea or nay?
Yea or nay?

By now, you may have seen how both Ryan and Watson weighed in on spoiler-free reviews for Ant-Man.  Well, they aren’t the only folks who work here, and they aren’t the only folks who have seen it.  Tom lives in another state.  Jenny wasn’t invited on their playdate to see the movie, possibly due to Ryan and Watson’s longstanding membership in the He-Man Woman Haterz Club.

However, this is Gabbing Geek, and not the All Ant-Man Report, so Tom and Jenny are sharing their thoughts on the movie in a single post.  See it behind the cut.  May be SPOILERS.  You’ve been warned.

Continue reading Two More Geeks Weigh In: Ant-Man