Ryan’s 2015 Movie Rankings

number one (image can be used for printing or web)

Yes, we’re already three weeks into 2016 but I finally managed to put together my movie rankings for 2015.  Because life.  I only managed to see 51 films this year, a paltry sum compared to Watson when he isn’t even trying. And eight of those were on a plane to or from China, making the theater total even lower.  Definitely a busy year, but overall a great one for movies.  Head after the jump to see how I ranked all 51!

Continue reading Ryan’s 2015 Movie Rankings

Gabbing Geek Review: Box Office Year to Date


We here at Gabbing Geek LOVE box office reports.  Ok….JUST me and Ryan.  Everyone else seems to hate them.  We’ve talked a lot about it the last few weeks, so let’s look at the winners and losers of this year’s box office as we wait for the Martian to officially kick off the Fall movie season.

Continue reading Gabbing Geek Review: Box Office Year to Date

Bad Movie. Great Movie Poster.

Batman-1989-TeaserOk, so the 1989 Batman wasn’t a bad movie.  I’m trolling you a little.  But it was a disappointment to me relative to how excited the poster above had me.  In an era before The Facebook, this was all we had to go on for our notice.

I remember walking into the theater one day and finding out there was a Batman movie because THIS teaser poster was on the wall.  This was back when there was still an element of surprise in geek movies.  The movie was a let down compared to the hype of the poster.

What other movies had really strong movie posters but missed the mark on delivering a good movie?  Fair warning.  These movies are ACTUALLY bad!

Continue reading Bad Movie. Great Movie Poster.

Gabbing Geek Box Office Report: Sponge is Worthy!


An amazing January box office, fueled by American Sniper and Taken 3, has given way to February and it looks like the hits keep a’coming.  This time, success comes in the form of a sponge.

Continue reading Gabbing Geek Box Office Report: Sponge is Worthy!

Spoiler Free Review of Jupiter Ascending. More Like “Descending Uranus”…


…because that’s what happens to crap.  Jupiter Ascending was crap, you see?  That’s mostly all you need to know.  It was crap and the frustration thing was, it didn’t NEED to be crap.

Continue reading Spoiler Free Review of Jupiter Ascending. More Like “Descending Uranus”…

Geek Tweet of the Day

Tweet Of The Day

There’s your review…