Geek Review: Jessica Jones


Disney owns a lot of stuff right now.  It freaked me out a wee little bit last year when I stopped at a Disney Store last Christmas and was reminded they now have Star Wars, Marvel Comics, and the Muppets.

Point is, we here at Gabbing Geek have inadvertently ignored one of those properties because another one just put out a new movie.

Anyway, here’s some thoughts on the new Netflix series Jessica Jones.  SPOILERS after the cut.

Continue reading Geek Review: Jessica Jones

Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars XXXII (Anthology Edition)

This cover is all lies.

There’s been quite a few short stories during these last few months of Secret Wars.  I’ve liked a handful of them, but a lot of them have missed the mark badly.  (Ryan would beg to differ, but we all know what Ryan’s like.)

I’ve already looked at Secret Wars Battleworld 1 and 2 and Secret Wars Journal Parts 1-3  in some detail.  After the cut I will finish those series with Secret Wars Battleworld #3, Secret Wars Battleworld #4, Secret Wars Journal #4 and Secret Wars Journal #5.  As well, I’ll also look at the equally unimpressive Secret Wars Secret Love #1.  

Related links:
Secret Wars Power Rankings
Tom’s Road To Secret Wars: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7.
Other parts of this series: 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1415, 1617, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

Continue reading Jimmy Attempts To Read All Of Secret Wars XXXII (Anthology Edition)

Gabbing Geek Box Office Report- Not Sure How Fantastic It Is


The critics weren’t kind.  Audiences gave it an equally bad grade.  Could Fantastic Four even hold off a popular Mission Impossible film in its second frame?  
Continue reading Gabbing Geek Box Office Report- Not Sure How Fantastic It Is

Gabbing Geek Box Office Report- If You Choose to Accept It


You can either take a Vacation or go on a Mission.  Who won the week?
Continue reading Gabbing Geek Box Office Report- If You Choose to Accept It

Gabbing Geek Box Office Report- Something Smaller Than A Minion


Minions dominated that week, but two films, Ant-Man and Trainwreck look to make some noise. Who won the week?
Continue reading Gabbing Geek Box Office Report- Something Smaller Than A Minion

Ant-Man! Ant-Man! Every Version of Ant-Man Ever – YES, EVER!


Ant-Man – oh Ant-Man, you are the tiniest, and yet coolest man of all mans (men). And to celebrate your journey into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we present you with this evolution of every and all Ant-Mans (men) ever. YES, EVER!

Check out Ant-Man’s debut in “Man In The Ant Hill” (1962) all the way to “Current Ant-Man” (2015) in this awesome technicolor dream extravaganza infographic:

Continue reading Ant-Man! Ant-Man! Every Version of Ant-Man Ever – YES, EVER!

Ant-Man Joins the Civil War

Captain America: Civil War opens
Captain America: Civil War opens

Yup.  Ant-Man is gonna be in Civil War.  No word on whether he is a secessionist or a states rights advocate, but what does this all mean for the MCU?  Click on!

Continue reading Ant-Man Joins the Civil War

Ant-Man, Reed Richards And Brainiac Walk Into A Bar…Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One…


This weeks collection of new comics is a little light (on Jimmy interested things anyway) but I managed to pull together some (mostly spoiler free) thoughts on three of them.  One that I haven’t read yet but am looking forward to is Superman – Earth One, Vol. 3.  The Earth One line from DC are very oversized graphic novels that take a kind of Marvel Ultimate Universe spin on DCs top dogs.  I haven’t read the Teen Titans volume (sorry Watson), but I would recommend picking up the first two Superman volumes and Batman Vol. 1.

Continue reading Ant-Man, Reed Richards And Brainiac Walk Into A Bar…Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One…