Hulk To Bring About The Twilight Of The Gods?

More of this then?
More of this then?

Deadline is reporting the third Thor movie, subtitled Ragnarok, may include a certain Green Goliath.

That’s an interesting development.

Continue reading Hulk To Bring About The Twilight Of The Gods?

Gabbing Geek Review: Box Office Year to Date


We here at Gabbing Geek LOVE box office reports.  Ok….JUST me and Ryan.  Everyone else seems to hate them.  We’ve talked a lot about it the last few weeks, so let’s look at the winners and losers of this year’s box office as we wait for the Martian to officially kick off the Fall movie season.

Continue reading Gabbing Geek Review: Box Office Year to Date

Wacky Wednesday: Go Home Toy Industry, You’re Drunk!


There is a serious injustice happening right now in the Toy industry. I’m not talking about how we’ve strayed from making toys indestructible (have you ever tried to break a Lincoln Log?), or how craftsmanship is a thing of the past. Nor am I talking about how most toys now-a-days have some kind of mechanical battery operated mechanism which leaves nothing left for imagination. No – the injustice I speak of is something that’s always been there, yet I’m so damn fed up with it – and that’s gederfication and blatant sexism in the toy industry.

Continue reading Wacky Wednesday: Go Home Toy Industry, You’re Drunk!

The Bedroom Is The Worst Place To Turn Into The Hulk? Watson You’re In Luck!



May 1st is just around the corner (Ryan: “ohmygodohmygodohmygod”) and that means the promotional tour for a little movie called Avengers: Age of Ultron has begun.  After the break, check out the cast on Jimmy Kimmel last night compete in a game of Avengers Family Feud!


Continue reading The Bedroom Is The Worst Place To Turn Into The Hulk? Watson You’re In Luck!

Was Birdman A Geek Movie?

Have you seen this yet?
Have you seen this yet?

I finally got around to seeing Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Innocence).  What I haven’t done since as of me writing this is listen to the spoiler-filled podcast reaction from the Gabbing Geeks on the subject of this movie.  Well, I may get to that soon, too, but for now, let’s ask a basic question:

Is Birdman a Geek Movie?

SPOILERS below the cut.

Continue reading Was Birdman A Geek Movie?

Avengers 2: A Movie So Anticipated We Get Excited of Pictures From Scenes In The Trailers!


Marvel dumped 16 screencaps with some captions.  Nothing terribly new in the content (Still no Vision!, but if you spot something they snuck past me, let us know in the comments.  Pics after the jump.

Continue reading Avengers 2: A Movie So Anticipated We Get Excited of Pictures From Scenes In The Trailers!

Gabbing Geek Analysis: 2015 Oscar Nominations


Oh…my…God!  The Oscars are my Superbowl so the day the nominations are announced is like the Conference Championship Games.  I also enjoy the Superbowl because, living in Texas, it is a state law that you must love football.  It’s anyone’s year but more and more it is looking like the Patriots are going to…wait a minute.  I was talking about the Oscar nominations.  Sorry.  I get distracted sometimes!  Ooohhhh… SQUIRREL!

Continue reading Gabbing Geek Analysis: 2015 Oscar Nominations

Watson’s Top Ten Movies of 2014!


Ah.  Now we get to the cream of the crop!  The ten best films of 2014!  Hope you enjoyed your year of films as much as I did mine.  This was a strong year for movies; both blockbuster and arthouse.  While there wasn’t an all-time Hall of Fame entry (like Dark Knight or Godfather), we did have many 5 star worthy films.   Any of these ten films would have been a worthy choice for #1, in fact many of them even flirted with the top spot during the year, but when the dust settled here was the final list.

Continue reading Watson’s Top Ten Movies of 2014!